Recording frenzy, and Sea & Smoke this Sunday!

I’ve been finishing up the final recordings for my duo’s album of Argentine tangos, I’ll be starting the mixing for this cd this week. Meanwhile, we’re working on another album of original material plus a few covers of classical/art music like Erik Satie’s “Gnossienne No. 1” with our own improvisations and the great Brazilian choro “Santa Morena” by Jacob do Bandolim.  Also, I’ve got a full album of original solo material that I’m currently recording which will be an eclectic mix of  things, some ambient movie music-type of interludes as well as full compositions with inflections of gypsy jazz, flamenco, and some weird time  signatures!

You can catch me playing in Del Mar this Sunday with bassist Sam Johnson at Sea & Smoke from 10am to 1pm…

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